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电话: 0579-87010128
姓名: 黄林燕

  Wuyi Fashionclean Commodity Co.,ltd is located in Yangjia Industrial Zone, Wuyi City, which is next to the famous hardware center -Yongkang. We have all kinds of plastic machines, punch machines and painting equipment. Our factory was founded in 2002 (with name changed in 2008). Our main products include PVA mops, microfiber mops, cotton mops, windows wipers, punch mops, brooms and all kinds of cleaning tools.

主要产品/业务: PVA拖把,超细纤维拖把,棉纱拖把,窗雨刷等各种清洁工具

武义亮洁日用塑料厂 / 浙江 / 浙江省武义县 () / 电话:0579-87010128


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